Thursday, May 21, 2020

Investigation Of The Criminal Justice Essay - 1571 Words

Introduction The goal of this essay is to explicitly disclose the overview of the criminal justice, especially in America. The result from the interview of one of the fractioned for instance, the attorney in the criminal justice will be the cornerstone of this report. In this case, the Attorney’s view about criminal justice will be thoroughly analyzed and compared with other sources to bring out the bright image of the criminal justice in America. The arguments of whether there is the efficient administration of the criminal justice system, their methodologies, and how the future of the criminal judicial system will look. Besides, comparison of the information from the attorney and the relevant materials useful in this course will be analyzed and evaluated to produce an accurate report. Background information on the attorney Patrick Cafferty is practicing his profession in America with his central office in Washington DC where he is a lawyer and a legal consultant. He has an embarrassment of experience in criminal defense practicing it since 1990. His firms majorly defend people charged with either federal or state criminal offenses all over Washington DC and continue to increase his market growth in other States like Illinois and New York. He asserts that due to his established healthy, honest and interpersonal relationship with judges and prosecutors has made him become one of the most famous attorneys in America. Moreover, his areas of majors but not limited includes;Show MoreRelatedInvestigation Of The Criminal Justice System890 Words   |  4 Pages The Investigation Function Another role that is portrayed very differently in movies and on television. Detectives or investigators are the minority within the system. Investigators are civil servants, knowledgeable of legal rules and procedures, and tend to follow procedures unlike the media portrayal of them breaking all the rules. 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