Friday, February 14, 2020

Persuasive Forms of Leadership Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Persuasive Forms of Leadership Paper - Essay Example Persuasive form of leadership can be used in different methods, that is, through â€Å"persuasive leadership and the power to influence† (Bethune, 2010, p.2). It is important that public leaders should be capable of reassuring the supporters of their plans and motives as well as be able to demonstrate concern in the public affairs or issues that affect the people. Leadership is a procedure, which facilitates a manager to direct, lead and influence the work as well as behavior of the concerned people towards achievement of particular goals under the required circumstances. It is the aptitude of the manager to encourage and boost the level of confidence of his subordinates as well as motivate them to do their best in order to fulfill the tasks at hand. Leadership research has integrated various qualities that show the significant differences between leaders and non-leaders as well as the impact it has on the supporters. It is a process that calls for publicly acceptable behavior containing personality traits that will help motivate individuals to reach an objective or goal. A lot of studies have shown that a person’s characteristics along with his or her abilities and skills can forecast leader effectiveness. For example, President Obama did this by executing the healthcare reform. He captured the attention of the US citizens by first stating that insurance firms are too powerful then he suggested a reform for this case. Next, the President foresaw the final result and then executed the planned reform or solution. In this particular case, the members or supporters of the President are affected by the chances of the healthcare reform. Thus, this paper talks about the different forms of persuasive leadership, the ways a leader may be persuasive and how he or she may facilitate change, as well as the two ways in which a leader is mainly persuasive and effective. Persuasive Forms of Leadership: Trust is one of the most significant elements in public lea dership, especially when there arises a need for change. The followers or supporters of the leader need to be assured that the leader can deliver on his or her promises. If a supporter distrusts or doubts a leader then he may spread his doubts among others and soon the leader loses his power, thus leading to overall problems for the whole respective group. Trust is the first step in building relationships and when public leaders gain trust of the people they both gain mutual satisfaction. When trust is established, a leader can convince the followers that the job will get done as well as influence the opposing parties to believe in them. This indeed determines how constituents respond to change, proposed change, or the outcome. â€Å"Leadership is the potential to influence behaviour of others. It is also defined as the capacity to influence a group towards the realization of a goal† (â€Å"Management Study Guide,† n.d.). Leaders are necessary to expand future visions as well as to inspire the managerial members to want to attain the respective visions. Various forms of persuasive leadership include credibility, shared ground, compelling position, rewards and incentives, and commitment. All of these persuasive forms of leadership affect how supporters react to the intentions leaders are trying to communicate to the public. Furthermore, these persuasive forms are characteristics of leadership which supporters can observe and then develop their own opinion on the legality of data received. â€Å"A leader is involved in shaping and moulding the behaviour of the group towards accomplishment of organizational goals† (â€Å"Management Study Guide,† n.d.). The two ways in which a leader may imbibe the most effective persuasion in the public is through credibility and shared ground. Credibility:

Saturday, February 1, 2020

The Tet Offensive through the strategic eyes of the Viet Cong and Research Paper

The Tet Offensive through the strategic eyes of the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese - Research Paper Example However, the communist north decided to stage an offensive in what came to be regarded as the biggest attacks ever, since the Vietnamese war began. During this attack, the communists attacked major towns of the South to a tune of more than 100 towns, including the southern capital, while also spreading the attacks to over 36 provincial capitals of the south, using a brigade of more than 80,000 troops (Donaldson, 161). Despite the South Vietnamese and the USA army being caught by surprise, they responded to the offensive and eventually overcame the communists, although the whole scenario took two more months, with the worst occasion being the Battle of Hue, where the whole of the city was destroyed and thousands of residents, to a tune of 7600 executed by the communists, in what came to be referred as the Hue massacre (Collins, 42). There are three main aspects that have made the Tet Offensive stand out, in the whole episode of the Vietnamese war. First, the Tet offensive was launched by the North Vietnam against South Vietnam by surprise, allowing the communists to inflict more damage on the South, on the initial face of the offensive. Secondly, the offensive stands out as the largest military operation that was ever conducted by either the north or the south in the Vietnamese war. Thirdly, it stands out as the worst attack on the civilians, since the offensive did not only aim at the Southern Vietnamese and the USA armies, but also extended its attacks to the civilian command and control centers throughout South Vietnam, culminating with the horrific Hue massacre that left over 7000 civilians dead (Anderson, 183). Such a massive attack operation could not have just come on board, without efficient and effective planning and execution of the attacks. The Tet Offensive occurred at a time when the pressure was mounting on the USA military and government to consider dropping its involvement in the Vietnamese war, considering that close to 45% of the Americans beli eved that the war was not worth being pursued, mainly due to the losses it had inflicted on the USA, in terms of the number of the casualties of its soldiers, the increment in taxation to the citizens, and the lack of a slightest indication that the war was coming to an end (Robbins, 12). With such disgruntling within the public, and even some sections of the government and intelligence, the military command needed to act decisively in bringing the whole issue to a halt. The USA military command therefore reacted by mounting the success offensive in 1967, where it sought to assert to the public that the USA would win the war, and brings it to a speedy end. This was achieved through media propaganda where the army generals misled the American public on the capabilities of the Northern Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong, by asserting that they were losing ground and therefore were not in a position to launch any major attack. To curb it all, and give more confidence to the people, the US army General called on the communists to try something, because the USA was actually looking for a fight (Donaldson, 155). Therefore, the anti-war sentiments by the American public, coupled by the underestimation of the communists ability