Friday, May 31, 2019

batleby the scrivener Essay -- essays research papers

"Bartleby the Scrivener" is a complex story, so I am going to zippo in on one particularly interesting and intelligent aspect of it. Due to the power of the message even this one particular aspect lead be complex, of course. The first thing to note is that the story has a first-person narrator. The narrator, an anonymous lawyer, is in fact a major character in his own right. obviously the story is about Bartleby and his actions as a scrivener. However, what the story is really about, in a sense, is the effect Bartleby seems to have on the narrator. We learn a great shell out about the narrator, but more importantly, we see him undergo several rather significant changes. These changes bring to light Melvilles comment on the oppression and miss of shame in the emerging capitalist economy The narrators initial self-characterization is important to the story. He is a "safe" man, one who takes few risks and tries above all to adjust to societies norms (Melville 110 9). The most pragmatic concerns of financial security and ease of life are his priorities. He has made himself perfectly at home in the modern economy he works as a lawyer dealing with rich mens legal documents. He is therefore a complement or a double to Bartleby in many ways.     Doubling is a recurring theme in "Bartleby the Scrivener." Bartleby is a phantom double of our narrator, and the parallels between them will be explored later. Nippers and washout are doubles of each other. Nippers is useless in the morning and productive in the afternoon, while flop is drunk in the afternoon and productive in the morning. Nippers ambition mirrors Turkeys resignation to his place and his sad, uneventful career, the difference coming about because of their respective ages. Nippers cherishes ambitions of being more than a mere scrivener, while the elderly Turkey must plead with the narrator to consider his age when evaluating his productivity. Their vices are a lso parallel, in terms of being appropriate vices for each mans respective age. Alcoholism is a vice that develops with time. Ambition arguably is most volatile in a mans youth. These characters provide valuable comic relief in what is otherwise a colourless and upsetting tale. Melvilles purpose in making Bartlebys personality act complimentary to the narrators is to demonstrate the chang... ...ience with Bartleby. It is doubtful that the lawyer at the beginning of the story, as he pictured himself, could have imagined such personal tragedies. Here we see the denouement. The culmination of the change that Bartleby has affected in the lawyer.      Ah Bartleby Ah humanity (1134)     This utmost sentence shows a depth of emotion that would have been impossible for the narrator at the beginning of the story. This obvious change gives readers the evidence that Melville was trying to display in support of his view of the negative aspects of the b usiness valet. This world and the humanity in it had affected both characters. Bartleby of course was the employee whose constant bombardment with the uncompassionate and pitiless world of Capitalism caused him to lose desire to think for himself and as a response to do nothing. The narrator was the employer whose use of the repetitive and routine tasks of his profession caused him to lose compassion and responsibility. The change in the narrator that one can see take place over the course of the story brings these traits and the institutions that founded them into glaring clarity.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Essay --

Congregation Bet BreiraOne does not simply walk into an unknown world without feeling some sense of fear or confusion. It is this unnerving feeling that wrapped its icy web around my gut as I stepped into the Bet Breira Temple. I pressed onto this unknown territory, full of repent for taking up this assignment and not choosing a religion that was closer to mine. This temple, that had always follow outmed to pose as a strange piece of architecture, became a all told different entity once I was inside. I felt like I was staring at a grand stadium, all of the pews lined up in rows leading towards the heavens all staring at genius center altar. This place had its similarities to my usual place of worship back at St. Kevin Catholic perform however the people and the religious symbols that hung were completely new to me. It was as we entered however that the biggest surprise struck me. Accompanied by my Jewish friend Chris, I asked him, Hey who is that adult female wearing those stra nge clothes? and all of my Catholic upbringing could not prepare me for what he had to say next, Thats the Rabbi.As I recall the events that transpired, I realize my ignorance could have been perceived as sacrilegious had anyone noticed my face of disbelief. In Reformed Jewish Synagogues, Synagogues being the Hebrew word for Temple, women can be ordained as Rabbis. They go through the same process as men, learning the Hebrew language and mastering the Torah. The Torah is Judaisms most sacred item, a book written by man through their Gods intervention. One difference between the different sects within Judaism is the differences of views of the Torah. Though Reformed Jews see the different Jewish laws to be guidelines, Orthodox Jews believe them to be essential laws... ... them and cares for them. It is through a Reformed Judaist view that God has been caring for humanity for thousands of years, and one can see the amount of pride there is in each of the parishioners. Ultimately I am very happy for partaking in this experience. Having visited a church that I have never gone to has not only taught me a valuable lesson about another groups belief system merely has also made me grown more appreciative of my current faith. I am glad that I was able to do research prior to glide slope to the synagogue because it helped me understand the events that were transpiring before me. However, much like looking up the Spark Notes of a book, no research compared to the actual experience of fighting(a) in their ritual. It was a great honor to have been allowed this opportunity and I now know that many religions have very similar religious dimensions.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Social Values in Transition: 1789-1815, Alternate Visions :: American America History

Social Values in Transition 1789-1815, Alternate VisionsSaint-Simon wanted to see scientists at the top of the semipolitical structure. He proposed the idea of a scientific priesthood of the Religion of Newton. Later he added industrialists and artists to the religion believing that emotions must be satisfied as well as reason. Francois Marie Charles Fourier wanted to liberate human nature. His theory was What makes men happy? Their passions. What makes them miserable? The inhibition of their passions. Therefore the legislator must create a society in which men and women can indulge their passions to the full yet safely and harmoniously. Even destructive passions could be employed as butchers. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. In it he states, We check out these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Th at to secure these rights, Government is instituted among Men, ancestry their just powers from the consent of the government. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to abolish it, and to institute new Government . . . . . Robert Owen built a flummox industrial community with decent housing for the workers, schools, sanitation, and non-profit making stores. In the factories he owned the working conditions were measured against the prevailing standards. They were almost humane. He was trying to meliorate the workers lot, while making a nice profit in the meantime. Owen may be regarded as the founder of co-operative socialism. Thomas Malthus argued that any attempt to feed the sharp-set masses only increased the masses and their misery. He believed that mathematical laws presided over human affairs. However when he applied them to the procreative process, the results were glum. In his opinion the tornado between the s upply of feed and the number of people to be fed was bound to increase, for population increased at a geometrical ratio and food at a arithmetical ratio. There was a bright side however there would be wars, famines, epidemics and so on. But that would not be enough.

What is an Inteferometer :: physics light optics

A Michelson Interferometer is a device used to measure the speed of clarification in precise optical measurements. It does this by splitting white into two or more beams that recombine and interfere with each early(a) causing the dissonance fringes. The interferometer basically consists of a light source, a beamsplitter, and two (or more) mirrors to reflect the light.The interference pattern for a Michelson interferometer is circular-- that is, it produces concentric circles of light and dark fringes. When one mirror on the interferometer is moving, the path variety between the two split beams of light changes, and the interference pattern is seenInterference is a phenomenon that occurs when two photons of light interact with each other in such a way that their waves sum to either increase or decrease their total amplitude. Complete constructive interference occurs when two electromagnetic waves are of the same frequency and in phase destructive interference occurs when two elec tromagnetic waves of the same frequency have a phase difference of one-half wavelength. When complete destructive interference occurs, no light can be detected. Similarly, complete constructive interference results in intensity quadrupling (intensity is relative to the square of amplitude). The following picture demonstrates these effects. Originally, the inventors of the interferometer produced it to measure the speed of light so they could determine the existence of ether. Since then it has been important in measuring the wavelengths of light, using the wavelengths of light to measure very small distances (up to 0.5 microns), to measure extremely small times (up to 1x10-15 seconds), and to study optical media.Albert A. Michelson (1852-1931)The Michelson interferometer was invented by American Physicist Albert A. Michelson in 1887. Michelson was born in Strzelno (Poland) in 1852 and moved to American in 1855. When he was 17, he joined the United States Naval Academy in Anapolis, M aryland where he excelled in science subjects. Michelson later on became a science instructor at the academy, but moved on to become a professor of physics at several universities. During the years of 1923-1927, he was president of the National Academy of Sciences. In 1907, he was the first American to be awarded the Physics Nobel Prize for his many efforts in optics.Michelson began experimenting with the interferometer in April of 1887. He came up with a system of mirrors and semi-transparent mirrors (or beamsplitters) for merging separated beams of light, which are coming from the same source. The system was set up so that the beam of light was split in two, sending each split perpendicular to each other, and then merging back so they interfered with each other.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Awakening Essay -- essays research papers

The changeThe novel, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, was written in the late nineteenth century in St. Louis after her economize Oscar died of a severe illness. Her book appeared in 1899, after she was idolized by many novels written by Darwin and Sarah Orne Jewett. Her first attempts at writing were just draft sketches for a local newspaper that was only short descriptions of her heart in Louisiana. However, Chopins interests had always run along more risky lines, as reflected in her diaries, letters, and fictions. Her most common subject was female subjugation and freedom. When The Awakening appeared, Chopin was severely criticized for depicting a sexualized and independent-thinking woman who questioned her role within the southern patriarchy. The disapproval impress Chopin, and she never quite recovered her faith in her own work. There were many themes discussed throughout The Awakening, many of which are very important to the concept of the novel. The briny theme is the awake ning from the slumber of patriarchal social convention. Edna who is the main character pronounced in the novel, must rouse herself from the life of dullness that she had always lived. What she awakens to, however, is so much larger than herself that she ultimately can non manage the complexity of it. Edna awakens to the concept of self-discovery and must live to embrace it. This theme is deeper than the obvious themes of independence and womens rights, however, The Awakening presents felo-de-se as a valid solution to problems. People commit suicide because of isolation and loneliness or a serious disruption of ones life. It is easy to connect these with Ednas life. The isolation of her small house, the disruption caused by Adeles death, and the common good of her children. However, her suicide had nothing to do with any leave out of personal freedom. Edna, for the most part did anything she wished to do, and there were no signs that she was intending on stopping. The suicide was m ore of a lack of good, healthy alternatives that lead her to do so. Robert had left her in attempt to protect her, himself, or possibly both. This lead Edna to pursue a romance with Alcee Arobin, in which she secretly kept quiet in order not to hurt her children. None of these options satisfied her though, longing for the one who awakened her. She... ...oughout the reading. In no sense should any of it not be. She helps people understand her views and opinions on the life of people during those ages, and how she might have saw things. Everyone has an outlook on life and living in terms of turmoil can be expressed well in her writing. Chopins writing is kind of wry and sympathetic about expressing the turmoil, telling a story of Edna and her tragedy. Although she told it in third person, the content follows Edna and her thought processes distinctly and easily. The dialogue often reveals the sharp disjuncture between thought and speech. Kate Chopins true artistry is at work here. G enerally, the voice is observant and non judgmentalThe Awakening tells a story of independence, freedom, and will power unheard of during the times of its publication. It is a stirring book that forces you to confront tough issues throughout the novel. It paints a evince of what goes though the mind of a person who loses hope. The Awakening tells us a story from the perspective of the oppressed. It is far more than a romance novel with a tragic ending. It is a book about the choices one will make to protect ones freedom.

The Awakening Essay -- essays research papers

The AwakeningThe novel, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, was written in the late ordinal century in St. Louis after her husband Oscar died of a severe illness. Her book appeargond in 1899, after she was idolized by many novels written by Darwin and Sarah Orne Jewett. Her first base attempts at writing were just brief sketches for a local newspaper that was only short descriptions of her life in Louisiana. However, Chopins interests had always run along more(prenominal) risky lines, as reflected in her diaries, letters, and fictions. Her most common subject was female subjugation and freedom. When The Awakening appeared, Chopin was severely criticized for depicting a sexualized and independent-thinking woman who questioned her quality within the southern patriarchy. The disapproval surprised Chopin, and she never quite recovered her faith in her own bailiwick. There were many themes discussed throughout The Awakening, many of which are very important to the concept of the novel. Th e main theme is the awakening from the slumber of patriarchal social convention. Edna who is the main character pronounced in the novel, must fire up herself from the life of dullness that she had always lived. What she awakens to, however, is so much larger than herself that she ultimately can non manage the complexity of it. Edna awakens to the concept of self-discovery and must live to embrace it. This theme is deeper than the unequivocal themes of independence and womens rights, however, The Awakening presents self-annihilation as a valid solution to problems. People commit suicide because of isolation and loneliness or a serious disruption of ones life. It is easy to connect these with Ednas life. The isolation of her small house, the disruption caused by Adeles death, and the common good of her children. However, her suicide had nothing to do with any lack of personal freedom. Edna, for the most part did anything she wished to do, and there were no signs that she was intend ing on stopping. The suicide was more of a lack of good, thinking(a) alternatives that lead her to do so. Robert had left her in attempt to protect her, himself, or possibly both. This lead Edna to pursue a romance with Alcee Arobin, in which she secretly unplowed quiet in order not to hurt her children. None of these options satisfied her though, longing for the one who awakened her. She... ...oughout the reading. In no sense should any of it not be. She helps people understand her views and opinions on the life of people during those ages, and how she might have saw things. Everyone has an outlook on life and living in terms of uplift can be expressed easily in her writing. Chopins writing is kind of wry and sympathetic about expressing the turmoil, telling a story of Edna and her tragedy. Although she told it in third person, the content follows Edna and her thought processes clearly and easily. The dialogue often reveals the sharp disjuncture between thought and speech. Kate Chopins true artistry is at work here. Generally, the voice is observant and non judgmentalThe Awakening tells a story of independence, freedom, and will power unheard of during the times of its publication. It is a stirring book that forces you to salute tough issues throughout the novel. It paints a picture of what goes though the mind of a person who loses hope. The Awakening tells us a story from the perspective of the oppressed. It is far more than a romance novel with a tragic ending. It is a book about the choices one will make to protect ones freedom.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Development of personality Essay

When studying tender-hearted port, specific all in ally focussinging on the development of personality and of the essence(p) to how a person or individual conducts him/herself, psychological science offers a variety of dimensions. The concept of personality is central to the attempt to understand oneself and others and is part of the way in which it accounts for the differences that contri onlye to peoples individuality. Psychologists spend a penny been particularly concerned with shaping of the personality in relation to genetic and environmental influences. People construct been successful that the study of human personality has been thriving and produceful.Individuals can choose from as many models they can to help them see themselves better and maintain good relationships. spirit is more than poise, charm, or physical appearance. It includes habits, attitudes, and all the physical, emotional, social, religious and moral aspects that a person possesses. However, to be mor e precise, the explicit behavioural styles covered in the course, perhaps, scoop out captivate an individuals personality and how he/she is understood. With the different behavioral styles, an overall pattern of various characteristics is seen.Like a psychograph, a persons profile is pulled together and at a glance, the individual can be comp bed with other people in terms of relative strengths and weaknesses (Corey 2005). Personality is defined as integrated general characteristics of the individuals total behavior and his or her unique adjustment in the environment. Personality theory is a set of assumptions concerning human behavior together with rules for relating these assumptions and definitions to permit their interaction with empirical or observable compensatets.Personality psychology is a scientific study of mental bringing concerning privileged drives, inner motive, repressed feelings, thoughts, and conflicts as the nature of personality (Feist and Feist, 2006). Behav ior is described and analyzed. On this basis, an attempt to predict behavior is possible, and although this whitethorn not thoroughly and alone be accomplished in some(a) endeavors, the basic sympathy past is that at that place are certain expectations concerning how any person would act or find out upon things that are within his conscious awareness.Psychology is of great importance to man since psychological problems are common to group relations, in whatever framework a person or group of individuals come from. The goals of treatment for instance, using the psychodynamic model, include alleviating forbearing of the symptoms which specifically works to uncover and work through unconscious conflict. The project of psychodynamic therapy is to make the unconscious conscious to the patient (Models of abnormality, National Extension College Trust, Ltd).Employing the psychodynamic rack, the therapist or social scientist believes that emotional conflicts, or neurosis, and/or distu rbances in the headway are caused by unresolved conflicts which originated during childhood years. The treatment modality frequently used includes dreams and free association, at times hypnosis (as preferred by either the therapist or by the customer). In the integrated or eclectic get along the goal of the therapy is not just succour to the patient or node.Although an immediate relief is very helpful, this may not ceaselessly be the case in most illnesses. The goal as mentioned is to provide long-term reduction of the symptoms and the occurrence of the indisposition altogether if possible. The management then is not impossible but neither is this easy. Specifically, the counselee or patient must want to heal or believe that there is going to be curative effects in the process. It presupposes that he/she must learn to trust the therapist in his/her capabilities as well in take or facilitating the changes or modifications.It is very much essential that (in the perspective of a cognitive-behaviorist) that the client understands ownership to the deeds and choices in thought patterns he/she made are crucial to the recurring or occurring condition that s/he experiences (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). Moreover, the identification of specific treatments or interventions according to the diagnosed issue impart be accommodated and implemented found on the chosen treatment modalities fit with the therapeutic onslaught utilized.It may be a iodine modality based on a single approach (e. g. learning principles and desensitization for a patient with specific phobias) or it maybe a combination of many modalities (CBT, Rogerian, Phenomenological, or Family systems) (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). Promoting therapy Psychotherapists believe that therapy contributes a troop to the improvement of the psychological condition of the client (Snyder, 1994). Therapy can come in many varied forms and the use of these or any of these has been proven to be of critical significance to clients from various walks of life and with myriads of problems or mental and emotional challenges.Therapy may be long-termed analytical experiences or encounters or brief problem-oriented treatment/intervention. Whatever the case, these consultations and in-depth interactions and activities amongst a practitioner therapist and the client in most cases, are beneficial (Mutha, 2002). It is therefore wrong to argue that with or without treatment patients recover or improve because subtle issues are over boldnessed with this statement or findings. Firstly, studies were done with findings that were more correlational rather than experimental (Mutha, 2002).Secondly, the element of catharsis is a omnipotent ingredient or element of the healing process and many of those without seeking professional help happened to be with a support group whose experiences were years of gaining companionship and skills from the experts and experienced counselors (Mutha, 2002). It is truthful that there have been substantial evidences as well that improvement with cases have occurred these are usually attributed the aforementioned reasons. Specifically, psychotherapy enables a client or patient to help ease his anxiety, managing his fears from the mundane or petty to the horrific.Quality of life, wellness and recovery are primary goals aside from the usual concept that psychotherapy is just a crutch for someone who may not actually have a real psychological problem (Snyder et al, 2000). This last phrase is true for some people who needed more than the advice or the listening ear precisely, they needed a human ace who is intent on knowing and understanding them. Personality cognitive theories are concerned with constructive alternativism with which the alternative scientific constructs may provide a useful view of the world.George Kellys the Psychology or Personal Construct Social cognitive theories explain personality as a reciprocal interaction among b ehavior involving observation, cognition including self-efficacy, and environment making a chance encounter and fortuitous events (Feist and Feist, 2006). Albert Banduras Social Cognitive theory Cognitive social learning theories describe behavior as a function of the expectation of reinforcements and strength of needs satisfied by those reinforcements.Behavior is shaped by the interactions of person variables such as competencies, encoding, strategies, expectancies, values and goals, and the self-regulatory system with situation variables (Feist and Feist, 2006). behavioral Model The Behavioral model utilizes what is termed as the learning theory posited by Skinner and Watson and the rest of the Behaviorism school. It assumes that the principles in learning i. e. , conditioning (Associative and Operant) are telling means to effect change in an individual. Generally, the thrust of this theoretical perspective is focused on the symptoms that a person is experiencing.Just as many of the errors of the patterns of behavior come from learning from the environment, it is to a fault assumed that an individual will be able to unlearn some if not all these by using the techniques as applied based on the learning principles. To a certain extent this still works reinforcements are effective to some extent and in some or many people this stance can be separate or distinct from the Cognitive-Behavioral approach. In behavior therapy therefore, thoughts, feelings and all those malfunctioning and unwanted manifestations revealed in ones activities can be unlearned and the work of a behavior therapist.The basic concepts include extinguishing utilized when maladaptive patterns are then weakened and removed and in their place habits that are healthy are established (developed and strengthened) in a series or progressive approach called consecutive approximations. When these (factors) are reinforced such as through rewards in intrinsic and extrinsic means, the potential of a more secure and steady change in behavior is developed and firmly established (Corey, 2005).Although few psychologists now would regard themselves as strict behaviorists, behaviorism has been very influential in the development of psychology as a scientific discipline. There are different emphases within this discipline though. Some behaviorists contend plainly that the observation of behavior is the best or most expedient method of exploring psychological and cognitive processes. Others consider that it is in reality the only way of examining such processes, while still others argue that behavior itself is the only appropriate subject of psychology, and that familiar psychological terms such as belief only refer to behavior.Albert Banduras social cognitive approach grew out of this movement. Banduras method emphasizes cognitive processes over and above observable behavior, concentrating on not only the influence of the persons upbringing for example, but also observation, imitatio n, and thought processes (Corey, 2005). Cognitive-Behavioral Model Becks Cognitive Therapy The Becks Cognitive therapy is one of the most popular and widely studied therapies in the market today and countless times proven the effectiveness of the treatment style or the kind of interventions that had been favored by the doctors.Its stance boils down to appreciating the effects of biology, emotions and environment on the individual and pursues changes in those levels (Padesky and Mooney, 1990). There are various adaptations or revisions of the strategy today and remains to be top of the list in mental institutions all over the world. In the cognitive approach alone, it understands that an individual at varying times in his life has error-filled thinking patterns. These patterns may include wishful thinking, phantasmagorical expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the hand over and into the future, and overgeneralizing.These habits predate to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think. It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that remain someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the future.Cognitive-Behavioral approach facilitates a collaborative relationship between the patient and therapist (Ellis & Beck in Corey, 2004). For the Cognitive behavioristic viewpoint, issues are dealt dependly in a practical way. Here the client is enlightened as to the patterns of his thinking and the errors of these thoughts which pall fruit in his attitudes and behavior. His/her thoughts and beliefs have connections on his/her behavior and must therefore be reorganized. For instance, t he ways that a client looks at an issue of his/her life will direct the path of his reactivity to the issue.When corrected at this level, the behavior follows automatically (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). The systems theory portion of the therapy indicates that whatever is occurring or happening is not isolated but is a working part of a bigger context. In the family systems approach then, no individual person can be understood when removed from his relationships whether in the present or past, and this is specially focused on the family he belongs to (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy postulated primarily by Ellis and Beck facilitates a collaborative relationship between the patient and therapist.With the idea that the counselor and patient together cooperate to attain a trusting relationship and agree which problems or issues need to come first in the course of the therapy. For the Cognitive Behaviorist Therapist, the immediate and present ing problem that the client is suffering and complaining from takes precedence and must be addressed and focused in the treatment. There is instantaneous relief from the symptoms, and may be encouraged or spurred on to pursue in-depth treatment and reduction of the ailments where possible.The relief from the symptoms from the primary problem or issue will inspire the client to imagine or think that change is not impossible after all. In this model, issues are dealt directly in a practical way. In the cognitive approach alone, the therapist understands that a client or patient comes into the healing relationship and the formers role is to change or modify the last mentioneds maladjusted or error-filled thinking patterns. These patterns may include wishful thinking, unrealistic expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the present and into the future, and overgeneralizing.These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. Thi s therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think. It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that await someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the future.Just as the cognitive-behavioral model also recognizes the concept of insight as well, this is only a matter of emphasis or focus. In behavioral/cognitive-behavioral therapies the focus is on the modification or control of behavior and insight usually becomes a tangential advantage. Techniques include CBT through such strategy as cognitive restructuring and the current frequently used REBT for Rational Emotive-Behavior Therapy where irrational beliefs are eliminated by examining them in a rational manner (Corey, 2004 Davison and Neale, 2001). Whereas in insight therapies the focus or emphasis is on the patients ability in understanding his/her issues basing on his inner conflicts, motives and fears. In the cognitive approach alone, the therapist understands that a client or patient comes into the healing relationship and the formers role is to change or modify the latters maladjusted or error-filled thinking patterns. These patterns may include wishful thinking, unrealistic expectations, constant reliving and living in the past or even beyond the present and into the future, and overgeneralizing.These habits lead to confusion, frustration and eventual constant disappointment. This therapeutic approach stresses or accentuates the rational or logical and positive worldview a viewpoint that takes into consideration that we are problem-solvers, have options in life and not that we are always left with no choice as many people think. It also looks into the fact that because we do have options then there are many things that a wait someone who have had bad choices in the past, and therefore can look positively into the future (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004). instruct the patient on the step by step procedure of CBT is a basic and fundamental ingredient. Here the client is enlightened as to the patterns of his thinking and the errors of these thoughts which bore fruit in his attitudes and behavior. His/her thoughts and beliefs have connections on his/her behavior and must therefore be reorganized. For instance, the ways that a client looks at an issue of his/her life will direct the path of his reactivity to the issue. When corrected at this level, the behavior follows automatically (Rubinstein et al. , 2007 Corey, 2004).

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Analysis of Ryanair

Summary Ryanair, one of the most famous seehearted greet respiratory tracts, attracts attentions from people and researchers all everywhere the world. As the financial crisis and the European debt crisis contract an obvious negative influence on the global economy, the aircraft industry has experienced or so decline for the last a couple of(prenominal) years. However, both the sales events and wins of Ryanair have increased during this period. In this essay, we leave behind first analyse the external environment of Ryanair by using PESTEL Analysis mock up.Then we exit organize an in-depth analysis some its strategic capability by SWOT model (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). In the following part, we will comp atomic number 18 Ryanair with its biggest competitor easyJet and critically feeler the effectiveness of its cost focus strategy. Finally we will give a conclusion of the whole result of our research and give some suggestions for its future devel opment. accounting entry Ryanair was first established in 1985 by Christy Ryan, Tony Ryan and Liam Lonergan.Its headquarters are located in Ireland, while its primary operational bases are at London Stansted Airports and Dublin. In 1989, Ryanairs businesses saw a decline. At the same time, Tony Ryan persuaded his financial advisor to assume the CEO. Then, Ryanair began to l get experience from Southwest Airline, and was the first one to introduce the loud air postmans and mode into Europe. Profitability of consecutive years has made Ryanair to become the most profitable air lanes in the world. Findings and Analysis Environmental AnalysisPESTEL Model is used in this fib to give an overview of the six different environmental factors that the company has to take into consideration. Firstly, political factors refer to the political organizations and relevant policies, laws, regulations as well as different factors which have the actual and potential impacts on run activities (Gil lespie, 2007). The charge which was raised by airports of different countries has a signifi dirty dogt effect on Ryanair. Indirectly, Ryanair is also nonmaterial to extra charges and taxes, for instance, the 10 tourist tax imposed by the Irish government.In addition, EU imposed a regulation on 17 February 2005, which asked airlines to provide standardised and immediate assistance for passengers who stayed at EU airports for delays, stinkpotcellations and denied boarding. This regulation led Ryanair to raise at least 200 trillion in their calculate every year. (OHiggins, 2011) Secondly, sparing factors mean the organizations external frugal structure, industrial layout, resource situation, the level of economic development and future economic trends (Gillespie, 2007). There are two interrelated economic factors that affect Ryanair. The first one is the recession of 2008/09.It created adverse economic situations such as high unemployment rates and severe credit crisis, which le ad to the leisure expense and business passengers declining. Ryanairs planned passenger volume growth has been restricted by this depression. Moreover, the continuing growth of fuel price is the commodiousest concern to this company. It is hard to curtail and predict the wide fluctuations of Jet fuel price and its increase demand. According to Pearce (2011, 3), However, the developed economies have seen a much slower recovery and levels of output, income and spending await well below pre-recession levels.Thirdly, social factor refers to the historical development, cultural traditions, values, education levels, as well as customs and other factors of society where the organization belongs to (Gillespie, 2007). It whoremaster be found in Ryanairs own report (2012) that Ryanair as well as other airlines are facing some social changesthreats from terrorist attacks, the continuing acceptance of the security budget suppliers and more price-sensitive business travelers. These factors make up the social factors which affect Ryanair and aviation industry.Fourthly, technological factors include not only the revolutionary purpose but also some relative new technologies, new materials and new appearances of in operation(p) or management (Gillespie, 2007). For airline industry and airline companies, the contributions of applied science could be separated in three parts to ensure aviation rubber, to improve the quality of services and to make operations more economical. Even Ryanair bought some of second-hand planes, these aircraft are all Boeing 737, which could reduce the training fee for pilots and flight attendants (Box, 2005).More important, Boeings help to make the unitive structures of plants could decrease the possibilities of incorrect operations and the unsuited spare parts of aircrafts. Although Ryanair is widely regarded as a low cost airline, it is also one of the safest airlines. As some of other airlines rely on the tickets agents, Ryanair built i ts own website and ticketing system. The cost of confidence fee is minify and the company could make control of the ticket service which could lead to some misunderstandings as some operators of tickets agents would treat customers in a worse mood.Furthermore, by dint of operating the ticketing system, Ryanair itself, could make booking tickets and bounce easier and speedily. Fifthly, environmental factors include ecological and environmental aspects. Countries in the world are faced with the enormous challenges of environmental issues, and sustainable development is an important way to solve this problem (Gillespie, 2007). Due to the report of IATA, air transport contributes 2% of global man-made CO2 emissions. Although Boeing 737 helps Ryanair to keep open fuel of airplane, it is not enough at the moment. new-made energy sources such as biological energy source are in the experimental stage and should be used in the further, and most airlines have to adapt to the new developm ent. Lastly, legal factors include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, and health and safety law (Gillespie, 2007). Ryanairs up-to-the-minute attempt to take over its Irish rival Aer Lingus is investigated by the European Commission over competition worries. Ryanair also has problem with the government. The British government obstinate to remain the Air Passenger Duty (APD), a ladder-type tax, and raised the tax rate by nearly 10%.This change leads to the increase of cost of cursory operation of Ryanair. To cover the costs of the EUs new eco-looney ETS tax, the Ryanair has to raise the prices of tickets, which could make their prices less competitive. Furthermore, BAA, the owner of Londons Heathrow airport, is seeking to sell Edinburgh after losing a legal challenge to an raise from the UKs antitrust regulator to break up the company, while the bid of Ryanair is rejected by BAA (Rothwell, 2012). Strategic capability analysis SWOT Analysis Model is us ed to assess the strategic capability of Ryanair by four dimensions Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.Strength 1. Low-cost strategy The most significant strength of Ryanair is its low-cost strategy. It uses a young in force(p) fleet with low cost of ownership and industry load factors to increase benefit and gain high asset utilization. The following statement from their CEO Michael OLeary proves that These quarterly results are a testimony to the strength of the Ryanair lowest cost model which even during the most difficult trading conditions (including record fuel prices and violent competition) delivers strong passenger growth and profits. (Sorensen, 2005) 2. Youngest fleetRyanair only choose to use Boeing 737 planes for easier staff training and also can improve pilots familiarity with aircraft operation, in this way to keep customers safety. According to OHiggins Ryanair reducing the average age of its aircraft to 2. 4 years which be the youngest planes in Europ e and increased the safety of the flight (2011). 3. New kinds of merchandise strategy Ryanair uses newspaper, radio, television and all the possible methods they can to advise, which are proved to be efficient on change magnitude the number of customers as a result,Internet bookings account for 99 per cent of all reservations(O Higgins, 2011).Otherwise, some methods force be controversial and audacious, such as using the pictures of Queen Sofia, President Sarkozy and his wifes on the air slipping. Although the action is without permission and also costs damage, it still made the company become famous rapidly. Weakness 1. Customers dis delight Ryanair takes a lot of adjuvant taxations from customers, which causes customers dissatisfaction, such as payment for using the toilet on plane, charge for check-in luggage and fat tax for overweight passengers. These measures will lead to customers bad impression to the company. 2. Overstep in increasing scaleRyanair is too addicted to in creasing scale. This will cause the increasing of operating costs. With the growing of fuel and airport charges, the bigger scale of the company is, the more challenges it will be faced to. 3. Single-handed leader and the controversial acts As Ryanairs CEO, Michael OLeary is a controversial leader. The issues he made such as calling thousands of passengers idiots (Huff Post, 2012), using the Italian minister Umberto Bossi abusive gestures picture for advertising caused great repercussion. Most of people think this measure was not suitable and will give a bad impression on Ryanair.Opportunities 1. New markets With the enlargement of the European Union, a lot of new destinations could be opened up. Skies agreement opened by EU could be a source for increased routes and passenger dealing inwards. According to the opinion of Ryanairs route development director OToole, there remains major opportunities in Spain and Italy, as well as Norway, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Russia (Routes Online, 2010). to a fault that, future open skies agreements in Turkey, Tunisia and Georgia could make these interesting countries for the carrier, he added. 2. Benefits from economic recession.Though economic slowdown created unfavourable economic conditions with reduced spending by leisure and business passengers which restricts the growth of the whole airline industry, actually, it can help Ryanair to improve corporate culture, and steal customers from traditional carriers as they seek lower fares. Mr. OLeary, Ryanairs CEO, stated that the rise in profit came despite the economic downturn in Europe (New Europe Online, 2011), and he intended to double the size of the airline over the next decade. Threats 1. Increasing oil price Ryanairs earning rate highly depends on the oil market because the fuel cost is influenced by it.With the increasing of global oil price, fuel cost could be a burden for Ryanair and its expansion plans will be challenged by the high fuel price. 2. Increase of low fare competition According to Newll (2006, 3), Yet perhaps the price tag has become too much the focus of attention. Value market fragment is being catered by an increasing number of competitors, such as easyJet, Air Berlin, Basic Air, BMIBaby. Slots at some primary airports have been established by them (Air Scoop, 2007). Ryanair have to compete directly with other low cost carriers in the near future.At the same time, additional marketing costs and reduced yields from lower fares force Ryanair to elevate additional routes. As a result, Ryanair was likely to encounter increased competition, and save depressing yields, as airlines struggled to fill vacant seats to cover fixed costs. 3. Customers are very price sensitive Because of the low cost strategy, the customers of Ryanair are much more sensitive to price, that means, any kinds of extra fees could make bad influence on its corporate image. As a result, it is difficult for Ryanair to improve unit profit and hav e to reduce unit costs through scale expansion (OHiggins). . base of duty for fuel and environmental charges Since Ryanair is powerless to prevent the environmental charges such as the tax on aviation fuel, its growth potential would be reduced as the unit costs would be increased. SO strategies 1. Ryanair should use the low-cost passenger ticker strengths to attract more customers. Nowadays, global economic recession is a serious problem to all over the world, especially for Europe. Ryanair is a company most facing the European market. Customers now are more concern about the price. The company should catch this opportunity to occupy more market share. . Special pay by use service of Ryanair is one of its characteristics and the unusual features compared with other companies which can decrease costs of services. Ryanair can use the financial crisis of competitors and capture the opportunity to attract more customers and earn more profit than others. ST Strategies 1. In the next fe w years, low cost airlines market expansion would probably slow down because new opportunities would be more limited. As growth slows, tire costs for the low-cost carriers will continue to rise as well as the level of oil prices.Ryanair should be prepared for convergence of costs and conditions and make corresponding strategies, but it should still retain the no-frills advantage of high seat density, aircraft utilization and lowest fares in any market (Air Scoop, 2007). 2. In purchase order to achieve the aim to be the biggest player and keep its domination in the low-price market segment, Ryanair will have to expand into more popular routes coupled with retaining its specialisation strategy, such as purchasing newer, more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly aircrafts and offering best customer services compared with its peer grouping in Europe.Strategic Assessment The spirit strategy of Ryanair Airlines is cost-focus strategy. The company continuously keeps its cost at a low level to offer low-fares services. Actually, cost control is the central strategy of all budget airlines, such as Ryanairs main competitor in EuropeeasyJet. In this part, we are going to assess Ryanairs competitive strategy through a comparison with the operating performance of easyJet. EasyJet is a Europes leading airline comes from the United Kingdom, founded in 1995, which has remarkable positions in some key markets No. in Gatwick, Milan and Geneva No. 2 in Paris with over 300 million people within a one hour drive of an easyJet carrier (easyJet plc, 2012). And easyJet is one of the leading lights of Europes budget flight industry. 1. Financial results analysis with business strategy Table 1 Comparison of operating financial results between Ryanairs & easyJets in 2012 Ryanair(? million)EasyJet(? million) Scheduled revenues28273794 Ancillary revenues71560 Total operating revenues35423854 Scheduled revenues /total operating revenue79. 8%98. 4% Selected costs Fuel12841149 Mai ntenance84203 Marketing145104Total operating expenses29883323 Source Ryanair Annual explanation 2012 & easyJet Annual Report 2012 In their own financial year of 2011/12, Ryanair performed better than easyJet by ? 312 million in the total operating revenues (after exchange EURO to GBP with current rate), which mainly due to the high ancillary revenues from various ancillary services and involvement in other activities connected with its core air passenger services, including non-flight scheduled services, Internet-related services, and the in-flight sale of beverages, food, and merchandise (Ryanair annual report, 2012).Michael OLeary talked previously about their ancillary strategy If you want a quiet flight, use another airline, Ryanair is noisy, full and we are of all time trying to sell you something (OHiggins, 2009). The ancillary strategy has been working well so far. However, the scheduled revenues which should be the primary business revenue of Ryanair were lower than its co mpetitor easyJet. It might be caused by the cutting routes strategy and lower average load factors, especially the cutting routes strategy carried out in 2009, which has already cut down 389 rotes (1000 routes in 2009).In terms of operating costs, Ryanair had a better performance in controlling total operating expenses in 2011/12, which is ? 2988 million, while that of easyJet is ? 3323 million. However, Ryanair spent more on fuel and oil, which occupied nearly 43% of the Ryanairs total expenses. Jet fuel is always variable and cannot be predicted previously. And jet fuel prices are bloodsucking on crude oil prices, which are quoted in U. S. dollars. As a result, Ryanairs fuel cost is affected by currency exchange. Based on Ryanairs fuel consumption for the year 2011, a change of $1. 0 in the average annual price per metric ton of jet fuel would have caused a change of approximately 1. 5 million in Ryanairs fuel costs (Ryanair annual report, 2012). In order to minimize its differe nce on fuel price change and currency rate, like many other airlines do, such as Southwest Airlines, Ryanair uses forward contracts to protect against fluctuations. Ryanairs criminal maintenance cost is relatively lower than easyJet. It might be largely due to the aircraft it adopts. Ryanair uses single fleet typeBoeing 737-800, which is considered to be one of the most fuel efficient fleet type, while easyJet has two typesAirbus A320, A319.The single fleet type reduces the number and cost of aircraft components in stock, as well as its maintenance cost. Ryanairs marketing cost is more than easyJets. This may be a result of its promotion for ancillary revenue. In order to earn a widely range of revenue apart from scheduled revenue, Ryanair advertises its services in national and regional newspapers, as well as controversial and topical advertising (Ryanair annual report, 2012). 2. Growth mental object under strategy Table 2 Ryanairs financial performance(Million) 20122011Changes T otal revenue4,324. 93,629. +19% Profit before tax560. 4375. 6+50% Adjusted net profit after tax502. 6400. 7+25% Basic earnings per share (in euro cent)38. 0325. 21+51% Adjusted basic EPS (in euro cent)24. 1026. 97+26% Source Ryanair annual report 2012 Ryanairs operations have grown rapidly during 2011/12. This year, net profit after tax had a 25% increase after adjusted, total operating revenues increased by 19% to 4,324. 9 million as average fares rose by 16% (Ryanair annual report, 2012). Furthermore, ancillary revenues grew up by 11%, faster than the 5% increase in passenger numbers.Although the average load factor of Ryanair was lower than its competitor, there is still an increase of 13% (Ryanair annual report, 2012). In 2012/13, Ryanair plans to develop 330 new routes and intend to continue expanding its navigation, new destinations and new flights, which are expected to increase Ryanairs booked passenger volumes to approximately 79 million passengers per year. In addition, th ere is a strategy of transferring operating flights from high cost airports to low cost airports in winter in order to reduce cost in off season.Overall, the companys growth has been largely dependent on increasing performance and growing capacity. 3. Star rating & customer satisfaction From low-cost Airline Ranking in Official SKYTRAX Airline Star Ranking website (2012), the star ranking of Ryanair is two stars while easyJet is three stars. And easyJet ranked fifth in Worlds Best Low-Cost Airlines award, however, Ryanair wasnt in this list. Actually, Ryanair always has a worse public image than its competitors due to its marketing strategy by fashioning stunts.And in some instances, the extra charges imposed on passengers such as check-in charges and booking fees make customers unsatisfied. What is worse, some flying accidents make its statements of punctuality and safety being doubted by the public. Conclusion Overall, Ryanair is successful in planning and performing its cost foc us strategy. Facing with the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, it is recommended that 1. Ryanair should continue using its low fares to attract price-sensitive customers. 2. Ryanair can keep following its pay by use service, which is an effective way to ensure low price.However, when taking extra charges, it should consider the publics attitudes to the fee. 3. Ryanair should continue controlling its costs to compete with other low fare airlines, especially fuel and oil costs. 4. Ryanair should pay attention to its brand and reputation, and make some efforts to earn a better degree of satisfaction. 5. Ryanair should take measures to build a good relationship with authorities and governments. Reference List Gillespie, A. (2007), Foundations of Economics, Oxford University Press Oxford OHiggins, E. 2011), Ryanair the low fares airline future destinations? ,IN, Johnson,C. (ed. ) Exploring Strategy Text and Cases, Pearson Education, pp. 618-627 Pearce, B. (2012), The stat e of air transport markets and the airline industry after the great recession, Journal of Air Transport Management, brashness 21, July 2012, pp. 3-9 Rothwell, S. (2012), Ryanair Deepens Cuts at Edinburgh as BAA Seeks to Complete Sale Online. Available http//www. businessweek. com/news/2012-04-12/ryanair-deepens-cuts-at-edinburgh-as-baa-seeks-to-complete-sale Accessed 12th April 2012Box, T. M. (2005), RYANAIR (2005) successful low cost leadership, Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Volume 13, Number 3, pp. 65-67 Air Scoop, (2007), The Low Cost Carriers Analysis Newsletter, online, Available http//www. air-scoop. com/pdf/air_scoop_May2007. pdf Accessed 10th celestial latitude 2012. Huff Post, (2012), Ryanair CEO Michael OLeary Calls Passengers Idiots, online, Available http//www. huffingtonpost. com/2012/09/05/ryanair-ceo-michael-oleary-calls-passengers-idiots_n_1857143. html Accessed 10th December 2012New Europe Online, (2011), Ryanair profits rise despite fuel c osts and economic downturn, online, Available http//www. neurope. eu/article/ryanair-profits-rise-despite-fuel-costs-and-economic-downturn Accessed 10th December 2012. Newll, I. (2006), Is win-win just pie in the slash? , Strategic Direction The airline industry, Volume 22, Number 6 June 2006, pp, 3-5 OHiggins, E. , 2011, Ryanair the low fares airline future destinations? , IN, Johnson,C. (ed. ) Exploring Strategy Text and Cases, Pearson Education, pp. 618-627Routes Online, (2010), Major opportunities remain in EuropeRyanair route director,online, Available http//www. routesonline. com/news/36/the-hub/97447/amajor-opportunities-remain-in-europea-a-ryanair-route-director/ Accessed 10th December 2012. Sorensen, T. C. , (2005), An analysis of the European low fare airline industry- with focus on Ryanair, Aarhus inform of Business. EasyJet Evidence, 2012. AT A GLANCE. online Available at Accessed 1 December 2012. Ryanair, 2012. Annual report 2011-2012. onlineAvailable at Accessed 1 D ecember2012. easyJet plc, 2012. Annual report 2011-2012. onlineAvailable at Accessed 1 December2012. STARTRAX Evidence,2012. Low-Cost Airline Ranking. online Available at Accessed 1 December 2012 Appendix Selected operating data RyanaireasyJet PASSENGERS (JAN11 DEC 11)76. 4million55. 5million AVERAGE LOAD FACTOR82. 2%87. 5% go OF DAILY FLIGHTS13531260 COUNTRIES SERVED2730 DESTINATIONS162130 ROUTES6111400 PERMANENT EMPLOYEES75719000 NUMBER OF AIRCRAFT275202 AVERAGE FLEET AGE3. 03. 9 FLEET TYPE275 Boeing 737-80035 Airbus A320 167 Airbus A319 Sources European Low Fares Airlines Association (ELFAA), December 2011

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Sez- Challenges Before Indian Economy

Mundhe. Dept. of Business Economics, Siddharth College of Comm. & Eco. Mumbai. SEZ Ch anyenges Before Indian Economy Introduction Over the years it has been seen that the growth rate of the Indian economy, employment generation, benefit in the touchstone of living of the population has non been as expected.It was realized that foreign (and even domestic) investings in India were practically lesser as compargond to the much smaller South easterly Asian countries mainly due to multiplicity of controls and clearances, absence of world class financial infrastructure, and so forth With a view to oercome the shortcomings experienced in attracting investments, change magnitude exports and accelerating sparingal growth the Special Economic Zones (SEZs) constitution was introduced by the then NDA g everyplacenment in April 2000.This policy int rested to make SEZs a tool for economic growth supported by quality infrastructure complemented by an attractive fiscal package, both at the Centre and the State level, with the token(prenominal) possible regulations Further, to add confidence in investors and signal the Governments commitment to a stable SEZ policy politics and with a view to impart stability to the SEZ regime thereby generating greater economic activity and employment by dint of the establishment of SEZs, a plenary draft of SEZ Bill was prep ard after extensive discussions with the stakeholders.The over enthusiasm to push the SEZ policy as an instrument of rapid industrialization has met with a series of roadblocks especially after the Nandigram incident. The SEZ policy is a part of the policy of Growth at any Cost, with the cost falling on the marginalized section of the rural population. Thus, those who gain and those who lose willing be different sections of the population. This scarcely federal agency that the SEZs atomic number 18 non P beto-optimal over a situation where SEZs ar absent. Therefore, this policy can lead to various so cio-economic and policy- devising challenges.Meaning of SEZs? The Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are well developed enclaves of industrial infrastructure with plots, built up space, power, water supply, transport, housing etc. Besides industrial facilities, the SEZs provides social infrastructure including schools, hospitals, roads, hotels and the like. The SEZs are specifically delineated areas wherein unit of measurements whitethorn be set up for specified purpose of manufacturing or trading or rendering services or providing warehousing set for exports.In terms of the Section 2(i) of the said SEZ Act 2005, the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) is defined to mean the whole of India (including its territorial waters and continental shelf) simply not including the areas of SEZs. Furthermore, section 53 of the said SEZ Act provides that the SEZ shall be deemed to be a territory outside the Customs territory of India. The legal implication is that the SEZs are hardened as the foreign te rritory for the purpose of get by operations, duties and tariffs.In other words, goods and services going into the SEZ (from the DTA) are inured as exports and goods and services coming from SEZ into the DTA are treated as imports. Therefore, domestic laws do not generally apply to the SEZs and the units therein. In short, SEZs will be considered sovereign territories of MNCs setting up shops there and ordinary Indians will require passports to enter these enclaves. Historical Background & SEZ Act The SEZ Act was enacted only recently, in 2005, but the origin of the SEZ scheme can be traced to as outlying(prenominal) back as 1965 when the Kandla Free Trade Zone (FTZ) was started.Thus there were Export Processing Zones (EPZs) in the awkward well before the new legislation was enacted, but these were hardly a(prenominal) in number (only eight, operated by Central Government) and did not start a major impact on exports or investment. This led to a comprehensive review of the poli cy framework for existing EPZs/FTZs In 1999, which included a study of many SEZs world-over. The finding of the study was that there was scope for significant improvement in export performance through policy changes relating to DTA access, export obligation, etc. The concept of SEZ was given to India by late Shri.Murasoli Maran, former Union Commerce Minister. During his china visit he had a occasion to visit some of the SEZs in coastal regions of China. He observed the contribution that these SEZs affirm made to the Chinese exports and was deeply impressed by the progress achieved by SEZs and their overall impact on the economy. Back at home, he introduced the concept of SEZs in the EXIM policy-2000. He was very much interested in creating some SEZs in India and develop them on the lines of SEZs in China. He wanted to use the concept of SEZs to achieve a speedy economic growth in India.As a result, the Special Economic Zones Act was passed by Parliament in May, 2005 which receive d Presidential assent on the 23rd of June, 2005. later on extensive consultations, the SEZ Act, 2005, supported by SEZ Rules, came into effect on 10th February,2006, providing for drastic simplification of procedure and for single window clearance on matters relating to Central as well as State governments. Objectives of SEZs The SEZs are primarily viewed as elements of the Governments export promotion strategy but that is not entirely correct. They are expected to benefit the economy in multiple ways, as spelt out in Section 5 of the said SEZ Act.Herein it is provided that the following factors should be considered by the Board of Approvals in Approving proposals to establish SEZs (1) Generation of additional activity (2) Promotion of exports of goods and services (3) Promotion of investments from domestic and foreign sources (4) Creation of employment opportunities (5) tuition of infrastructure facilities It is expected that this will trigger a freehanded flow of foreign and do mestic investment in SEZs in infrastructure and productive capacity, in the lead to generation of additional economic activity and creation of employment opportunities.Here it is important to mention that in case of India, the key element for the success of SEZs are political will and commitment, removal of bureaucratic hassles, labor reforms, better fiscal incentives and continual review and monitoring of the functioning of SEZs and adoption and application of correctives. Criteria for Approvals 1) SEZ size not to be less than 1000 hectares, recently it is scaled down to 5000 hectares & further to 1000 hectares (2) Sector specific SEZ can be set up in lesser area 3) Local Laws, Rules / Regulations applicable to SEZ & Units there in (4) Units to be approved under the SEZ scheme, by the Unit Approval Committee headed By the Development Commissioner. (5) The minimum processing area limit has been fixed at a Uniform level, at 50% of the agree attain acquired, for multi product and s ector-specific SEZs Scheme to Develop / run away / Maintain SEZ The SEZs can be developed and managed either jointly or separately by the Central Government, State Government, or some(prenominal) Person (including a Private orPublic Limited Company, Partnership or Proprietorship), for manufacture of goods or for rendering services or for both or as a free trade and warehousing Zone. Incentives for Developers of SEZs Developers and SEZ units shall be entitled to the following exemptions and concessions 1) Exemption from customs duty on goods imported into the SEZ by the Developers or SEZ Unit to carry on the sure operations 2) Exemption from customs duty on goods exported from the SEZ by the Developer or SEZ Unit to any place outside India ) Exemption from excise duty on goods brought from Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) to the SEZ by the Developers or SEZ unit to carry on the authorized operations, 4) 100% Income Tax exemption on export income for SEZ units in the first 5 years and 5 0% for the next 5 years. 5) Exemption from service tax on taxable service provided to a Developer or unit to carry on the authorized operations in a SEZ 6) 100% of the profits of the developer arising from the business of developing an SEZ, shall be deducted from taxable income ) The developers of SEZ are not take to pay Minimum Alternate Tax. Challenges before Developing Economies, A Case Study of China The SEZs policy is a part of the policy of Growth at any Cost, with the cost falling on the marginalized section of the rural population. Thus, those who gain and those who lose will be different sections of the population. This simply means that the SEZs are not Pareto-optimal over a situation where SEZs are absent. Therefore, this policy can lead to various socio-economic and political challenges.China is a shining typeface of a province which has developed through its SEZs. But this image of success of Chinese SEZs is both incomplete and incorrect. They have by no means been a n unqualified success, and they have brought roughly severe economic and social problems. We have taken the case of SEZs in China and analyzed the effects on arable primer coat, water, environment, health, income equality, poverty, etc. Some of the most(prenominal) striking effects of SEZs in China are as following 1) during the period of 1996-2005, SEZs in China, have ca employ diversion of more than 21% of arable land to non-agricultural usage.Per capita land holding now stands at a meager 0. 094 hectares. This is when China has to feed 22% of the worlds population on only 7% of land, and every year, an additional 10 million people have to be fed. As more arable land is taken over for urbanization and industrialisation, issues cogitate to changes in land use have become a major source of dispute between the public and the government. 2) In just thirteen years, between 1992 and 2005,about 20 million farmers were laid off agriculture due to land acquisition for SEZs.Protests ag ainst land acquisition and deprivation have become a frequent feature of rural life in China. Social instability in China has become an issue of concern. In 2004, the government has admitted to 74,000 riots in the countryside. 3) Whereas a few years ago, excessive and arbitrary taxation was the peasants foremost complaint, resentment over the loss of farmland, corruption, worsening pollution and arbitrary eviction by property developers are the main reasons for farmers unrest now. 4) China set up its first SEZ, Shenzhen in 1979.After growing at a rate of around 28% for the last 25 years, Shenzhen is now paying a huge cost in terms of environmental destruction, soaring crime rate and exploitation of its working class, mainly migrants 5) In 2006, the United Nations Environment Programme designated Shenzhen as a Global Environment Hotspot, meaning a region that had suffered rapid environmental destruction. 6) According to Howard French, the saucy York Times Bureau chief, most of the year, the Shenzhen sky is thick with choking smoke, while the crime rate is almost nine- fold higher than Shanghai.The working class earns US$ 80 every month in the sweatshops and the turnover rate is 10% many turn to prostitution after being laid off. Further, real-estate dealers have stockpiled houses which have caused prices to spiral and have created a new generation of people, French calls them as, Mortgage Slaves in an article in the International Herald Tribune on 17th December,2006. 7) The meaningless pursuit of growth following the model of high input, high consumption and low output has seriously impacted the environment.In 2004, China consumed 4. 3 quantify as much coal and electricity as the United States and 11. 5 times as much as lacquer to generate each US$1 worth of GNP, according to the The Taipei Times, some 20% of the population lives in severely polluted areas and 70% of the rivers and lakes are in a grim shape. 8) well-nigh 60% of companies that have set up units in the country violate emission rules. According to the World Bank, environmental problems are the cause of some 3,00,000 people dying each year.The Chinese government has admitted that pollution costs the country a staggering $200 billion a year about 10 % of its GDP. 9) While export-driven policy for economic growth has helped China touch record growth figures, the income gap is widening and rapidly approaching the levels of some Latin American countries. Going by a recent report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Gini coefficient a measure of income distribution where zero means perfect equality and one is maximum inequality touched 0. 96 in the year 2006. In comparison, income inequality figures are 0. 33 in India, 0. 41 in the US and 0. 54 in Brazil. Further, the rural-urban income divide is staggering annual income of city dwellers in China is around US$1,000 which is more than cardinal times that of their rural counterparts. 10) In certain areas such( prenominal)(prenominal) as asset distribution or years of schooling Chinas levels of inequality are frown (i. e. , more favourable ) than India. However, when one looks at it at the aggregate level, the picture is different.The levels of inequality in China have been rising through the last three decades, whether between rural and urban, within them, or on an aggregate basis. According to Zhu Ling, between 1978 and 1995, the Gini coefficient of rural income increased from 0. 21 to 0. 34 and that of the urban from 0. 16 to 0. 28. 11) With the Chinese economy opening up rapidly post 1995 and too due to the massive concessions that China was forced to make in order to join the WTO, the curl continues and the aggregate Gini coefficient in 2006 was around 0. . Lessons India should learn from China There are far reaching negative impacts of SEZ policy in India. It is normally advocated that India should learn from China. It is wide failure there in China on the grounds of food shorta ges that may arise in future due to land acquisition, environmental problems etc. , therefore India should consider the following while implementing the policy of Special Economic Zones 1) Following China, India is replicating a similar model where vast tracts of a agricultural land are being acquired for creating SEZs and other industries.Therefore it will have the similar impact on the environment as in the case of China, as the dirty industries may enter in these zones. Further with drastic changes in labour laws favouring industry being considered, the plight of workers in these SEZs will be similar to those in China. Hence, such a model of development is environmentally unsustainable and socially undesirable. 2) It is now widely acknowledged that Chinese exports have also been boosted by its undervalued currency something which is turmed as an useful subsidy. This is a luxury that Indian exporters do not enjoy.Therefore, the argument for setting up SEZs to emulate Chinas exp ort-led growth is questionable. 3) Is export-driven growth through SEZs desirable for India? There is no doubt export play a significant role in boosting GDP. However in the case of a country with a sizable domestic market, the choice lies with the producer to either export or supply to the domestic market. 4) According to Ila Patnaik of the National Institute for Public finance and Policy, household consumption in India at 68% of the GDP is much higher than that of China at 38%, Europe at 58% and Japan at 55%.Given the high level of consumption of Indian households, it is quite possible that this rush to set up SEZs in India is fuelled not by the need to export out of the country but by the possibility of exporting from SEZs into the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA). The SEZs act is also designed to facilitate this. Any unit within the SEZ can export to the DTA, after paying the prevailing duty, as long as it is a net foreign exchange wage earner for three years. It is therefore a win-w in situation for these units. ) The soaps in a SEZ will reduce the cost of capital while labour reforms will ensure trouble-free operations. Further, given the considerable international pressure to reduce industrial tariffs, SEZs will be able to export to the DTA at highly competitive prices. This does not promise well for units outside the SEZs who will now face unfair competition. As cheaper imports have already played havoc with the livelihoods of artisan sector of the economy, cheaper imports into DTA from SEZs will also adversely affect the domestic.No wonder many of them now want to migrate into SEZs. 6) In a country with 65% of the population depending on agriculture as a means of livelihood, industry ought to be complementary to agriculture. Though SEZs however, industry is being promoted at the cost of agriculture. This is the reason why Indian farmers all over the country are not willing to depart from their farm lands. It is witnessed on 21st Sept,2008, where 85% of the farmers from Raighad District have voted against the SEZs. ) Valuable resources spent to create SEZs will be at the cost of building better infrastructure for the rest of the country, something that will affect both the domestic industry as well as agriculture. Challenges before Indian Economy Given that Indias socio-cultural and economic scenario is altogether different from that of Chinas, it is debatable whether SEZs prove to be a success here. In the words of, Sunil Rallan, MD of Matadee Eco Parks, The Indian governments SEZ policy is superior to Chinas in terms of legislation but has failed in the performance process. Thus while SEZs may be loudable idea it is doubtful whether it is the right policy for the basic problems of heterogenous country like India. Replicating the Chinese model, India may end up not only with insufficient SEZs but also with reintroduction of the era of famines, water crisis, riots, pollution, etc. , and many more socio economic and political problems . We have taken the case of existing SEZ units (and the units which are slated to be set up in days to come) and analyzed their socio-economic effects on the Indian economy. 1) Threat to Food security measureAccording to the website of the Commerce Ministry, totally about 41,700 hectares of land is to be taken for the formally approved and notified SEZs. Land acquired on such massive scale has represent a threat to the food security of the country. Already, Indias food security is in a precarious state and the country has to import food grains including wheat, pulses and oilseeds. In this scenario if our arable land is diverted to establishment of SEZs, it will create a major food security problem in the country.Studies in West Bengal have shown that loss of food grains production due to SEZs would be of the order of 1. 5 million tones. This can create a serious shortage of food grains in the coming years. 2) Threat to Water Security The SEZs are going to be set up by acquiring hu ge tracts of land. When the land is acquired on such massive scale, the water requirement for such SEZs would be huge and would have very large impact on water access for the surrounding area. The SEZs at such locations will also have impact on irrigation and agricultural development.Available information about the water needs and sources of water for various SEZs should ring outrage bell. For example, the massive water demand, at least 8 million liters per day, for The Mahamumbai SEZ is to be met by the Hetwane and Morba dams in Pen and Khalapur tehsils in Raigarh districts. In a situation where, farmers had to splutter to get irrigation water due to them from these dams, the huge water requirement for Mahamumbai SEZ would definitely lead to the water crisis. Forum of Manglore has quoted that the Manglore SEZs water requirement is at a hoping 136 million liters a day.When Manglore city is facing the water crisis without the SEZ, one can imagine what will be the case when SEZ come s up. 3) Displacement and loss of livelihoods in SEZs look show that close to 114,000 farming households (each house hold on an average comprising five members) and an additional 82,000 farm worker families are dependent upon these farms for their livelihoods will be displaced. In other Words, at least one million people who primarily depend upon agriculture for their survival will face eviction.Experts calculate that the total loss of income to the Farming and farm workers family will be at least Rs. 212 crore a year. This does not include other income (for instance artisans) due to the demise of topical anaesthetic rural economies. The government promise humane displacement followed by relief and rehabilitation. However historical records does not offer any room for hope on this count an estimated 40 million people(of which nearly 40% area Adivasis and 25% Dalits) have lost their land since 1950 on account of displacement due to large development projects.At least 75% of them st ill await rehabilitation. Almost 80% of the agricultural population owns only about 17% of the total agricultural land, making them near landless farmers. Farmers families and communities depend on a piece of land (for work, grazing) than those who simply own it. 4) SEZ are actually land arrogate by the real estate mafia and the corporate sector What are SEZ likely to become in few years time? According to a clause in the SEZ Act (section 5(2) as much as 75% of the area under large SEZs above 1000 hectares) can be used for non-industrial purpose.What will the remainder of the land used for? This lacuna in the law is likely to become a loophole for massive accumulation of Land by unavowed players including the real estate mafia, developers and property dealers for the purpose of real estate speculation. This explains why so many of them have been buying land for SEZs. In fact it may well be the case that the rationale for the above clause in the SEZ Act is the uncertainty surroundi ng the Economic attractiveness of SEZs. If adequate productive investment is not forthcoming, the SEZ developer can at least cash in on the land value.Conglomerates like Reliance already own upwards of 100,00acre of land in the countrywide. 5) Loss of natural habitat, flora and fauna Massive land acquisition for the establishment of SEZs has led to the destruction Of natural habitat, flora and fauna due to deforestation. For example due to the Mundra SEZ in Kutch in Gujrat about 3000 hectares of area covered by Mangroves is being destroyed. . 6) More suicides, More crimes It is again no. coincidence that all most all the SEZs are being built only on the fringes of cities like satellites all over again.A rough study based upon the in commandment approved SEZs in Maharashtra shows that around 67% of the land for SEZs is within 100 km. of Mumbai. If the cities pf Pune and Nagpur are also considered, then a figure of 85% of land for SEZs is arrived at, and if Nashik and Aurangabad are also thrown then about 98% of the land for SEZs in within 100 km of these five cities. Thus there will be no real development. the rural areas will be further devastated. Farmers will commit more suicides larger slums with even more squalor will be created.There will be more crime, more communual riots, more atrocities against Dalits and more attacks and exploitation of women as always happens in the condition of squalor. 7) Ruthless Depeasantisation However the SEZs are not the only instruments for grabbing the lands of the peasantry, millions of acres of land are taken by national and international big business for construction of Greenfield projects, private airports, tourist resorts, health tourism, burnished cities, entertainment parks, building of private township for the super rich including vast areas for golf courses and luxury hotels.To provide infrastructure for super profits of local and international big business the state is acquiring millions of acres of fertile l and to build industrial zones, golden corridors express ways including the much flaunted golden quadruplet express highways systems. This is the glaring phenomenon of contemporary global enclosures of forcible depeasantisation ruthlessly divesting the producers from their means of production, cultural moorings and commons.Adding salt to the injury the neo-liberal state is resorting to the most predatory inhuman unenlightened accumulation of forcing the farmers and adivasis out of their land when the entire peasantry is reeling under acute agrarian crisis where more than 2 lakh farmers have committed suicide in the past decade under the neo-liberal economic regime. ConclusionThere is much more to learn as well as unlearn from the Chinese experience. Until this is done, millions of unworthy across the country will be made to pay an even higher price than the Chinese did for following this flowed approach. India should thus work towards reforming its domestic economic rather than su pplementing it with an SEZ model. It should not blindly follow China in this regard.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Ancient Women Powerfull or Powerless Essay

In ancient world, mens and womens life were highly segregated. Man gained in public places while women were restrict to their homes, where they managed the household and raised children with the help of slave. This does not mean that women did not shake off a social, public and economic life. David Cohen says that Athenian women participated in many activities such as working in fields, acting as nurse and many other activities. Women were considered week in front of men, roles of men were addicted to a greater extent importance than roles of women.The role of women may differ depending upon the class of the women or the region of Greece she belong. It is believed that Spartan women enjoyed more freedom than Athenian women. Women also participated in religious festivals and in a sacrifice as said by Cohen. The relationship of women with man is made evident done the household, government and in wars. Women also had some policy-making ability which has been made evident through t he play Lysistrata by Aristophanes where Lysistrata portrays the political ability by bringing the devastating Peloponnesian was to a end.The roles played by men and women in ancient Greek society are made evident through the play Lysistrata by Aristophanes. In the play an indication is given of womens role in the households and their relationship with man. As this play was written by a male playwright it also provides a male dismantle of view towards women. Women role were confined to the house where they produce legitimate children and ensuring that that household activities were executed.Sarah Pomeroy say, The primary duty of citizen women towards the poliscity was the production of legitimate heirs to the oikoi, or families, whose aggregate comprised the citizenry. The women place was seen cosmos within the home as Lysistrata provides evidence of this when, Cleonice, states, but its not easy, you know, for women to leave the house. One is busy pottering about her husband anot her is getting the retainer up a third is putting her child asleep or washing the brat or feeding it. Households were the only place in which women have power, as they were in command.The role of women to produce legitimate children was viewed as a most important duty of women. Women also participated in rites and rituals. The burial rites were most promising the mid ritual women were involved with. The roles of women in rituals are concerned with how Athenian women participated in religious festivals as stated in Lysistrata. This displays that Greek women participated in rites and rituals. The elationship in the midst of men and women in ancient Greek society illustrates the role of women was in relation to household duties and everyday affairs. A Womens actions were expected to be humble towards men and were dependent upon their husbands. The womens were not also able to have an initiate communication with one, as it is displayed in Lysistrata when Lysistrata addresses the magi strate who then replies back, You disgusting creature, as he is appalled with her nonconformist manner.Men did not believe that womens were capable of shed bloodning the state as their political roles were viewed with contempt despite the fact that they run the households in an efficient manner. Politics was not the business of women their business was confined to their household activities. This is displayed in Lysistrata when she asks about the affairs of the state and the response she receives is, Shut up and mind your own business The involvement of women in war is seen in the same way as their involvement in politics. Go and attend to your work let war be the care of the men folks. This is from Lysistrata shows the reply to womens involvement on the war effort. However, Lysistrata says that women did contribute greatly to the war, Weve given you sons, and then had to steer them off to fight. Women did have power within the households but they did not have any power over me n, this is the reason why women did not posses many roles in the politics. The male view of women portrayed throughout the play is degrading of women.Popular opinion through the play is that women are drunkards and sex-crazed. In Lysistrata it states, If it had been a Bacchus celebration theyd been asked to attend or something in honor of Pan or Aphrodite particularly Aphrodite You wouldnt have been able to move. This extract shows the opinion as Bacchus was the god of booze and Aphrodite the goddess of love, therefore implying that these are the festivals the women took pleasure in. The men also viewed women as being sub-human as said in Lysistrata, there is no beast as unashamed as a women. The womens were also believed to be sensitive and emotional. The overall male view about women were seen as insignificant and an annoyance. All these roles played by women were slightly varied between the different cultures. Athenian women were different from Spartan women as their lives were much freer, as is alluded to in Lysistrata when the Spartan, Lampito, comments on her daily activities, If we were in training. There is also mention of the Metic women in Lysistrata who were able to carry out commercial roles.However, despite these differences, the women of citizen families, whether they were of middle class or royalty, nonoperational carried out the same roles and still had very little freedom and rights. It is made evidently apparent all the roles which women played in ancient Greek society and their relationship with men through these roles. Women in ancient Greece were given little to no freedom and rights, and their only true place of power was in the household.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Oil & Gas Management

AbstractThe disconnection of Mexico contingency is an occurrence that many people in the United Kingdom and Mexico, who were affected, would want to forget as it had immense surroundal and economic impact to them. This paper is going to describe the extent to which the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is considered to suffer led to a meaning(prenominal) reform of the regulation of the seaward oil and gas pains on the UK continental shelf. These accept salubrious planning and control, environmental protection, emergency retort, authority for stopping operations off, catastrophic BOPs failure, the significance of simple checks, protection of the whistle-blowers, and a summary or conclusion of the exposit measures.IntroductionAn explosion took place on the Deepwater Horizon oil production cheat on 20 April 2010 leading to the death of 11 workers. The region is in the Gulf of Mexico and was under contract to the British petroleum. It is still non yet known th e extent of the damage that took place both on the environment and the communities around. Among the errors that led to the incident is the fact that the two codfishs of control on the BOP of the Deepwater Horizon showed that there was an error in a vital valve in one of the pods of control, and that the other(a) pod of control did not birth adequate charge on the batteries it is believed that these faults were there during the time that the accident happened. There was at least a single running(a) control pod call for to run the automatic mode function that would bring athletic supportered in closing up the BOP. The automatic mode function should have taken place in an automatic manner, without being aided, when the hydraulic office together with the electric cables were destroyed in the explosion. The automatic mode function is a very important body of backup. This paper is going to describe extent to which the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico is considere d to have led to a meaningful reform of the regulation of the offshore oil and gas manufacturing on the UK continental shelf.Well planning and controlThe reforms that were recommended by the panel acceptd reservation sure that the Well Life Cycle Practices Forum remained in place permanently. It is also required that the professional, influential representatives from the HSE and the industry meet on a fixture basis to decide, review and always improve values and standards for good practice in the well integrity as well as management of application in the UKCS. The Macondo blowout is taken into consideration by the standards and consists of operating practices, sufficiency and consistency of the precaution vital equipment ( peculiar(prenominal)ly BOPs), testing and maintenance of hardw atomic number 18 proficiency and t apiece of personnel organizational and human features. They sh atomic number 18 these standards with the partners in the industry and international regulators and the organizations that set the standards. In consideration of the Macando, it was also required that the following are considered Whether a change in the control of well standards it essential to necessitate at least two barricades to be in place (besides the BOP) during the moving of a well to a situation that is not balanced with the zone of production, and Whether there is any change required to make the operators provide notice warning about each time a situation is arrived at where the BOP together with one other barricade to a release is attained.Protecting the EnvironmentThe DECC and the industry are required to work hand in hand for the purposes of developing and adopting improvements like The concept of Environmental Assurance plan that possibly uses the Environmental Management body or the Environmental Statement as living equipment for engendering a concept of goal-setting to environmental policies intended to continuously improving, especially in relation to the lo w-frequency incidents that have lavishly impact. The identification and cohesive treatment of the generic features of documents of environmental assurance to enable the devotion of more effort to whatever other more localized or particular areas of possible risk and impact, via more rigorous use of internet systems. The industry has also been challenged to take greater ownership of the available regulatory requirements of the environment, which include appraisal of the contractual arrangements for the preparation and keeping up-to-date the required documents do them into tools for driving improvements in the environmental evaluation and protection. The regulator is also required to slip away working with the industry so as to make identifications of the ways in which the available requirements of reporting, particularly about compliance to the environmental requirements, may be rationalized or even simplified. Additionally, there might be more that should be done to show the nee d for, and resultant value of the comprehensive environmental evaluations that is required of them, with a need and aim of offering increases scope for approaches that are innovative to the improvement of the standards of the environment. It has also been recommended that the documents of guidance that relate to the offshore environmental effect evaluation, regulatory activities and enforcement should be revised and reviewed on a regular basis, initially following the changes in the procedures that came up from the Macando and consequently taking into consideration any other applicable or relevant occurrences, for the reinforcement of the continuous culture improvement of the UKCS and ensuring that operators are well acquainted with the present requirements and expectations of environmental best practice. In addition, since the incident of the Deepwater Horizon, some other interim environmental regulation and inspection steps that have been taken by the United Kingdom include the i ncreasing of the number of yearly environmental inspections to the drilling rigs, besides hiring three more inspectors. This consequently increased the total number of the inspectors of the drilling rigs to ten, and this includes one inspector who is senior. Considering the less widespread areas of responsibility of the DECC in comparison to the HSE, it together with its prototype agencies have all worked with fewer inspectors as compared with the HSE. The HSE has 114 professional inspectors, whereas the DECC has about ten inspectors. The onshore offices and offshore installations are visited by DECC inspectors for the inspection of the management systems and records. They also go there to interview individuals and appraise the conditions of the site, practices and standards. The increased number of the site inspectors is expected to enable the DECC raise the number of inspections on the environment done on the mobile drilling rigs across the country from an average of seven to at least 16 on yearly basis immediately. The footlocker Secretary referred to the inspectors movement between the private and public sectors. This might render it very difficult for the recruitment and maintaining of inspectors that are extremely qualified in the future. The offshore inspectorate of the DECC describe their strategy of environmental inspection as one that is risk-based. This means that of the rigs that are presently carrying out activities of drilling, nearly twenty dollar bill four of them, which translates to about twenty percent are on gas reservoirs however, the DECC argue that this inherently does not pose much risk to the environment in comparison with those that operate on oil reservoirs. Hence, this is taken into consideration, together with the site of the rig and the wells nature, the DECC aims to inspect the rigs that carryout drilling activity on particular oil reservoirs.Responding to EmergenciesArrangements for giving response to the incidents of oil spi lling that pose potential danger to the marine environment were established by the Oil Pollution Emergency Plans. The plans intend to prevent pollutions as such and minimize or decrease the effect that might come with it. The Oil Pollution Emergency Plans are risk evaluations that are applicable to a particular installation or field. Their focus is on the worse- outcome instance as a result of the incident at the Gulf of Mexico, the United Kingdom operators are not expected to do extra modeling for the installations of deepwater, which include a more appraisal of the predictions of oil spill beaching. These plans are also appraised by the Maritime Coastguard surgical incision and some other related consulters like the Maritime Management Agency and the related inshore statutory agency. Witnesses were asked about the way they had changed their ways of operation in the United Kingdom deepwaters since the occurrence in the Mexican Gulf. Some of them said that they do not believe they had basically changed in any manner. This was due to the robust regulatory era that was the Cullens legacy of inquiry into the incident of Piper Alpha. However, with regard to establishing any changes in regulation in reaction to the tragedy of the Deepwater Horizon, they were wide-awake of making universal and global changes that might not be proper for them from incident to incident, the kernel of what is in the sanctuary case era. There is a flavour that the industry appears to be reacting to incidences after they have occurred instead of having anticipations and making proper planning for the high-consequence events that are low in probability. It is beyond reasonable doubt that the industry and BPs inability to respond because it was not prepared in a proper manner was not acceptable. The black swans occurrence appears to be more familiar nowadays. The United Kingdom has high regulatory standards of offshore, as shown by the Safety Case Regime, which was established in rea ction to the 1998 Piper Alpha incident. The regulatory fashion model of the United Kingdom is on the basis of flexible and goal-getting approaches that are stronger than those that the Deepwater Horizon operated under. Despite the high standards of regulation in the United Kingdom, they are concerned that the industry of offshore gas and oil is giving a response to disasters instead of anticipation worst-instance cases and making proper planning for the high-aftermath, low-probability occurrences.Role of the Offshore Installations ManagerWe are informed from both the industry and the regulator that there were individual offshore installations that always have the power to shut down the well. Bridging documents were created between the systems of the owner of the rig and the operator systems of the well to ensure that issues like who has the final word or say are properly agreed before any operation is commenced. The HSE verbalize that there will normally be one individual who is real responsible for matters safety on the rig, which is the Offshore Installations Manager, the contractor of drilling. There are ample financial implications of delaying the operations of drilling even just for very short heads. In the instance of the Deepwater Horizon, we find that the BP had the aim of drilling the Macondo well for a period of 51 days only, at about 96 million dollars. It was expected that the platform of drilling would be taking off as early as 8 March 2012 however, the Macando well unexpectedly took a longer period. By the 20th April, the day that there was the blowout, which killed eleven individuals, the rig was already late by 43 days, and this would have led to an extra cost of 21 million dollars in lease fees only. There is a danger that those who are responsible for making decisions to stop operations could feel economic pressure not to do so if was possible.Catastrophic BOPs failureThe last defense line against the Macondo incident was a device known as the blind shear grind away, which is part of the BOP found on top of the wellhead, and more than a mile below the ocean floors surface. If the oils upward pressure and the gas that is in the reservoir became more than the heavy drilling fluids downward pressure, and all the other resources for controlling the well failed to operate, the two blades of the blind shear ram, were expected to slice through the pipe of the drill and then help in sealing the well. If the BOP had worded as expected, the whole incident would not have occurred and all the lives would not have been lost. Taking into account the single blind-shear rams failure to run the blowout preventer of the Deepwater Horizon, which appeared to be one of the major causes of the blowout of the well of Macondo, it was recommended that the Safety and Health Executive particularly review the case for prescription that the United Kingdom Continental Shelfs blowout preventers are well equipped with the two blind shear ram. Wh ereas the flexibility of the safety regulation regime of the United Kingdom seemed to have performed properly, it was also been seen that for fail-safe devices like blowout preventer, the administration or the government has adopted minimum, strict standards of safety or show that these would not actually be an economical, last-resort against catastrophes.Importance of simple checksAn appraisal of the two pods of control on the BOP of the Deep-water Horizon as a result of the incident showed that there was an error in a vital valve in one of the pods of control, and that the other pod of control did not have adequate charge on the batteries it is believed that these faults were there during the time that the accident happened. There was at least a single working control pod needed to run the automatic mode function that would have helped in closing up the BOP. The automatic mode function should have taken place in an automatic manner, without being aided, when the hydraulic line tog ether with the electric cables were destroyed in the explosion. The automatic mode function is a very important system of backup. It is of great concern that the simple failures of various systems were not identified during the process of inspection. As a consequence, a programme has been implemented across the global drilling operation to make sure that the equipment operates the way it is designed to do. Another thing that has been done to ensure that such preventable incidences do not repeat include fundamentally improving the testing procedures of the blowout preventers, which consists of making sure that the systems of backup work and are properly tested in the process of drilling a well. This is another instance of the industry giving a response to an accident instead of anticipating a possible problem, even though the new regime is highly welcome. It is believed that the authorities have to make sure that the offshore inspection regime of the United Kingdom could not be susce ptible to simple faults like having a battery that does not have sufficient charge, to go without being noticed.Need to protect the whistle-blowersOwing to the immense economic pressure of keeping a drilling rig functional, it is of great concern to various stakeholders that the workers who attempt to talk about safety matters might be or even feel like they are intimidated by their seniors. The whistle-blowers are not in a position of calling a halt or bringing to a stop some things and the managers and clearly attempting to make money for the organization. Their primary responsibility is not protecting the environment. Some contradicting reports were found from the HSE regarding harassment and aggravation on the rigs as well as the industrys assurances that honest whistleblowers will be given a hearing and protection. The government has also ensured that there are discussions with the unions and industry about the unless actions that are required for the prevention of representat ives of safety from feeling or being intimidated by their seniors such that they do not report a danger. shutdownFollowing the fatal incidence that occurred in the Mexican Gulf, it is important that there is clarity on the hierarchy and identity of the liable stakeholders to make sure that the government, and gum olibanum the taxpayers, doe not need to pay for the outcomes of the offshore accidents. Any lack of hierarchy and clarity on the liability will hamper the compensation remuneration to those that are affected by the incident of the offshore. It is recommended that it needs to be a requirement of the process of licensing that it proves their capability to pay for the outcomes of any incident that could happen. 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